We are hiring! We are constantly looking for highly motivated and talented designers to join our team and given the multidisciplinary nature of our office, our staffs include Architects, Landscape Architects, Interior and Urban Designers.

Currently all open positions are for the Shenzhen office:
- Professional Degree in Architecture
- 5 years of working experience in middle/large scale projects with managing roles in well-known firms
- Excellent design skills
- Deep technical knowledge of regulations and construction detailing
- Proficiency in Rhino is a plus
- Highly professional and responsible
- Strong team leadership with good organizational and communication skills
- Fluent in both English and Mandarin preferred
- Strong graphic and design skills
- Proficiency in Rhinoceros and Adobe Suite
- Good rendering skills (V-Ray or Maxwell)
- Basic experience in all design phases
- Fluent in both English and Mandarin preferred
- 2 years of working experience with project coordination tasks
- Passionate about design, interested in construction detailing and materials
- Strong organization and communication skills
- Proficiency in Rhinoceros and Adobe Suite (PS, AI, ID)
- Experience in DD and CD
- Previous experience on construction in China is a plus
- Fluent in both English and Mandarin preferred
- Strong graphic and design skills
- Good botanical knowledge
- Proficiency in Rhinoceros and Adobe Suite (PS, AI, ID)
- Experience in DD and CD is a plus
- Oversea study and work background is a plus
- Fluent in both English and Mandarin preferred
- Strong graphic and design skills
- Passionate about design and able to work in a team
- Proficiency in Rhinoceros and Adobe Suite (PS, AI, ID)
- Good rendering skills (V-Ray or Maxwell)
- Good manual skills and precision in model making
- Interest in research
- Good level of English
- Fluency in Chinese is a plus
- Minimum commitment: 3 months
If you are interested, please send your CV and portfolio (PDF max. 10Mb) to hr [ @ ] remix-studio.com, indicating your name and the position that you are applying for in the subject line. Internship applicants please note your period expectation in the email.