Year: 2015
Size: 1,000 m2
Type: exhibition
Status: completed
Location: Shanghai, China
Client: Ideas in Action _ Shanghai Trans-design 2016
Partners in charge: Nicola Saladino, Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto
Design team: Yang Xue, Mengze Xu
Curator: Beatrice Leanza

Intensity-scape is a modular system of dematerialized steel skeletons that supports the complex programmatic and spatial requirements of the exhibition. The scheme has been generated by a matrix of relations as a container of heterogeneous artworks, a constellation of intensities. The installation is constructed as an organizing masterplan: its volumes of steel bars, metal mesh and wooden boards mediate the relationship among the exhibited pieces, fostering their visual interrelation to catalyse their creative potential.
Such landscape is a device to organize diversity, to assemble it not through a sequence of austere partitions and generic spaces, but though a dynamic flow of bifurcations and convergences, compressions and expansions. The wireframe volumes become the support for projections, for the display of large and minute objects and site-specific installations that find their individual place in a network of correlations, in a calculated but non-sequential order.
The organic and seemingly unfinished character of the space resembles that of a construction site: the volumes emerge like buildings from the ground, generating diverse expressions that echo the various functional requirements of their content, but at the same time respond to the overall logic of the city. The result is a laboratory for unexpected experiments, a showcase of crystalline collections, a factory of innovative products and productions. Our formalization of the masterplan has been nurtured be the will of working with such diversity, a very special form of messiness… Intensity-scape is a play with the unexpected contingencies of the construction site, a game of recursive adaptations: we designed a place and let it design us in reverse.